The Slayers Fanfiction Drinking Game by Elizabeth, Trickster Priestess ~_~ Most new additions are marked with a {*}. You need: -a good supply of your favorite beverage -as many Slayers fanfic stories as you'd like (you may wish to print it out, as you could easily end up unconcious after playing this game, and you wouldn't want to accidently delete your harddrive when your head hits the keyboard, now would you?) -this list Instructions: Situate yourself someplace nice, preferably some place that won't give you a crick in your neck when (er, if) you fall unconcious. Make sure you have plenty of your beverage nearby. Have this list somewhere accessable. Read it a few times, so you know what's on it. Then, start reading the fanfic. Every time one of the things mentioned happens, take the specified number of drinks. A "drink" means more than a sip but less than a gulp. Some items tell you to chug, which means quickly gulp down your drink. Note: A "principle" refers to one of the main characters. (Lina, Gourry, Zelgadiss, Amelia, Xelloss, Filia, Martina, et al) This can be played with friends; the winner is the last person to fall unconcious. (Or the first, depending on your perspective.) The SLAYERS DRINKING GAME version 1.2 Take ONE drink when: *The Sword of Light is mentioned *Amelia makes a justice speech --2 if it's actually relevant to the plot *Gourry is completely clueless *There is a scene in a restraunt/inn/etc. *One of the Lord of Nightmare's spells is cast (ex: Giga Slave) *There is a new character who joins the Slayers crew --2 if the character is NOT a love interest for a principle --{*}3 if the character isn't an obvious avatar of the author *The fic is an unfinished work --2 if it's actually been updated in the past month (3 if in the last week) *Zel drinks tea or coffee *Any character makes an expositional speech --{*} 2 if it's not given by Lina --chug if the speech is made by Gourry *Zel whines about his form or how he wants to find a cure --{*}2 if he whines but about something else *Xelloss says "that is a secret" or any variation thereof --chug if Xelloss appears and doesn't once say it *The Lord of Nightmares is referred to as L-sama *Beastmaster Zelas-Metallium, Garv, or Hellmaster Phibrizo are mentioned *Random japanese is inserted for no particular reason --{*} 2 if it's more than a word or phrase at a time --3 if it's for aestetic reasons *Lina fireballs someone --2 if it's one of her friends --3 if she actually has a good reason for fireballing *The title and/or chapters/episodes are named to reflect the series (ex: Slayers Reflect; WHAT? Zelgadiss the Dark Lord?) *A character becomes introspective and recaps previous events mentally *Naga laughs --2 if the sound causes property damage *Lina, Gourry, and/or Amelia wolf down food --{*} 3 if Zel pigs out, too *Someone facefaults *Someone sweatdrops/teardrops *Someone is glomped *{*} Someone gasps, drops his jaw, or otherwise makes an expression of disbelief *Sailoon is mentioned *Wolf Pack Island is mentioned *Luna and Zelas are portrayed as best friends *Amelia and Naga are portrayed as sisters Take TWO drinks when: *A family member other than Prince Phil makes an appearance --3 if it's not Luna or some incarnation of Rezo *The words "ruby" and "eye(s/d)" are used in the same sentence *Zefilia is mentioned *Sairaag is mentioned *Two principles get together romantically -3 if it's not Lina and Gourry, Zel and Amelia, or Filia and Xelloss -4 if it's not Gourry and Shiefyl, Zelgadiss and Lina, Xelloss and Lina, Filia and Valgarv (Valtierra), Xelloss and Zelgadiss, or Xelloss and Valgarv -Chug if it ends up as a polyamorous relationship -Finish off another bottle if it's Luna and Zelas -Drink eveything in sight if it's Ceiphied and Shaburanigdu *Miwan is mentioned/remembered --2 if it's not by Zel or Amelia *Beastmaster smokes *It's a crossover (see crossover section, below) *A canon supporting character makes an appearance (ex: Milgazia) --chug if its Piggu ^_^ *Someone ponders Lina's connection to the Lord of Nightmares --3 if said connection is actually explained --{*} 4 if it's explained by L-sama Herself *Rezo is resurrected or another copy shows up --3 if BOTH Rezo and a copy show up *Variations of the spelling of a principle's name is used in the same story (ex: Amelia, Ameria; Gourry, Gaury) -chug if this is explained *Dynast is mentioned --3 if he makes an appearance --4 if he makes an appearance and his general doesn't *A principle sustains major injuries --3 if these injuries are NOT healed by the next day *{*} A dead character returns without his presence being explained Take THREE drinks when: *Any character gets drunk --4 if said character makes a fool of him/herself *Someone blackmails a principle *Lina does not appear --4 if she's not even mentioned *Deep Sea Dolphin is mentioned *No magic is cast *Naga and Gourry meet --4 if they fight over the right to be Lina's sidekick --5 if Lina kicks both their asses for being so presumptive --Chug if Naga and Gourry elope *A principle's body changes drastically --4 if it's not a result of Zel getting cured --5 if said principle does not grow wings *{*} One of the non-mazoku principles becomes a mazoku *The fic is poetry or a filk *{*}The fic is a parafic *{*}The fic is a songfic *{*}The fic is a round-robin {*}Take FOUR drinks when: *A principle dies and is not resurrected *Zel cheers everyone else up SPECIAL: --Crossover-- Take: *1 drink if Lina bemoans the fact that one of the crossover characters has a better body than she -2 if she's talking about Ranma-as-woman *2 drinks if the xover is NOT with Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, or Tenchi Muyo *2 drinks if a Slayers principle falls for a principle of the other series/whatever, or vice versa (ex: Rezo and Washu) *2 drinks if it is a xover with more than three other worlds *3 drinks if it's a retelling/recast of any existing story/show/whatever (ex: Into the Woods (Slayers Style); Slayers Moon) *3 drinks if Ameria and Usagi (of Sailor Moon) meet *4 drinks if Xelloss and Puck (of Gargoyles) meet *4 drinks if Zelgadiss and Piccolo (of Dragon Ball Z) meet *5 drinks if Zangulus and D (of Vampire Hunter D) meet *5 drinks if the xover's with a live-action TV show (ex: The X-Files) *Chug if the xover's with Voltron --Lemon-- Take: *1 drink if it's yaoi *1 drink if it's PWP (porn without plot/"plot? what plot?") *1 drink if it's an obvious hormone-overloaded-teen-fanatasy-about- Naga's-breast story *1 drink each time a really bad and/or really cliched euphimsim/metaphor/ simile/et al is used *2 drinks if the fic isn't tasteless *2 drinks if someone walks in on the couple while they're in the act *3 drinks if the sex is actually in-character and plausible *Chug if the sex is actually important to the plot --Misc-- Take: *1 drink if the authors introduction is more than five lines --2 if it's longer than the story --3 if it's more interesting than the story *1 drink if you're beta reading *1 drink if there's a disclaimer --3 if the disclaimer isn't boring *2 drinks if you're reading your own story Optional: Take one drink for every story you read. Take one drink for every typo (chug if there are no typos). Take one drink for every letter in the author's name. Take one drink any time a face [^_^, etc.] is used. Take one extra drink for every "'" or ";" used with the face. After finishing a story: If you liked the story, drink a bottle to celebrate. If you disliked the story, drink two bottles to cheer you up. If you're apathetic, then drink till you care, dammit! ~_~