An explaination of Her

In this drabble, Sheifyl is thinking of Lina.

Yes, Sheifyl.
It's not as zarbi as it sounds, though. At least, I don't think so.
So here's my explaination, line-by-line:

She is the kind of person you can't help but love.

I far as I'm concerned, this screams Lina. Once she makes friends, they do love her, and are very loyal.

I wonder what it would be like, to draw people to yourself like that...?

Sheifyl seems to be rather timid and shy; therefore, she likely has never drawn people to her quite like the flamboyant Lina Inverse.

I don't suppose it matters; I don't really want to draw others like she does, just a select few.

One of these select few, of course, would be Gourry.

Like her.

Like Lina.

It was a stunning revelation, the moment that I realised the truth.

Well, it would've been, ne?

It went against all the plans I'd had, against even what I thought about myself.

It seemed obvious Shiefyl wanted a future with Gourry, that she loved Gourry. But what if Gourry was more a first love, the kind you never really stop loving, but don't necessarily love with all your heart?

I'm not entirely sure how it happened, but it did.

Love is chaotic, after all...

When I saw her lying on the ground, bleeding, I knew with certainity that I loved her.

When Lina and Company fought Kopii Rezo, Lina took a hit for Sheifyl. Sheifyl was really upset; couldn't that have been from love, not guilt?

These people figured it out:
Steph, Infi no Miko
