Lina/Zel stories
Slayers Dancer
by Chaos-san, Shadowdancer-san, and Manami-san
available at:
One of my favourite fanfics (of any fandom). Great characterization, fascinating story, all-around wonderful. I'm not quite sure if it'll have much Lina/Zel stuff or not, but it's here just the same. ~_~ Incomplete.
Slayers Saga
by Chaos-san and Shadowdancer-san
available at:
The beyond-kewl uberfic. Incomplete.
Mallory's Story
by Mallory-san
avaliable at:
Actually the non-title is much longer, but it also claims this story is "not all that great," and I totally disagree. Complete.
Please Don't Blow Up My House!
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaliable at:
Fascinating crossover with Tenchi. Really sweet Lina/Zel stuff. Incomplete.
Slayer Moon
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaliable at:
What an original idea: a recast of Slayers as Sailor Moon. Guess who got cast as Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kaimen? <g>
The Calling of Kin
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaliable at:
A story about Zel's (really, really weird) family. Incomplete.
Explosions, Magic, Science, and Swords: A Normal Day at School
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaliable at:
Interesting crossover with both Tenchi and Ranma. Incomplete.
Aragami Spin Cycle
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaliable at:
Crossover with Blue Seed, and also featuring Zel's interesting brother Elkin. Incomplete.
Upon Awakening
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
available at:
Another really kewl story with Zel's odd-ball family. I like Elkin. ~_~. Incomplete.
Upon Living Forever
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaiable at:
I love this fanfic, and not just 'cos I got a cameo. It's a crossover with Voltron! It has Prince Lotor! I love this fanfic. Incomplete.
Zelgadis Greywords and Lina Inverse [poems]
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
avaliable at:
These are so beautiful. *sniff* Complete.
untitled (What do you see, when you look at me?) [poem]
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
available at:
*sniff* This is even more beautiful that her other poems, if that's
possible. *sniff, sniff* Complete.
I will still wait for you [poem]
by Silent Steel (Sarah-san)
available at:
Er...actually, I'm not 100% sure about what everything in this is, but I am fauirly certain there's Lina/Zel stuff. Anyway, another wonderful poem by a wonderful poet. Complete.
Slayers: Between
by Li-san
available at:
A crossover with MacCaffery's Pern series! Really spiff, with
an interesting new villian. Incomplete.
Lina/Zel couple fans also ought to visit Eugene's animation+, to see Eugene-san's fantastic Lina/Zel pics (and all her other wonderful art, too).