A Companion Piece
by Elizabeth, Trickster Priestess

(Setting: a laboratory that looks all but identical to the one the dark sorcerors' used to make the multitude of tiny kopii Linas and kopii Gourrys. Elizabeth and Zel stand before the machine.)

ZEL: Why did you drag me here? Whatever here is...


(Zel drops his head, sweatdropping slightly.)

ELIZABETH: Let's get down to business, ne?

ZEL: (warily) Just who do you plan on cloning?

ELIZABETH: You'll see. And don't worry, it's not you.

(Zel looks only somewhat relieved.)

ELIZABETH: First...(produces a small velvet pouch and extricates a strand of black hair)...and next...(dumps the hair and quite a bit of what seems to be growth culture into the machine)...then...(fiddles with knobs and dials)

(The kopii machine wheezes and pulses, and Zel prepares to cast a sheild spell before the thing explodes. However, there is no explosion, only a 'ding' indicating the kopii is complete.)

ZEL: Doesn't successful copying require a longer period of gestation?

ELIZABETH: For an ordinary kopii, perhaps. But this one's special.

ZEL: (mutters) This is going to be bad, I just know it.

ELIZABETH: Feh, you're such a cynic. Now c'mon, let's go meet my kopii!

ZEL: (eyes widen) Your kopii? Please tell me you did not copy yourself.

ELIZABETH: Oh, relax. It's not a copy of me.

ZEL: Of who, then?


(The door to the kopii chamber opens. Once the steam clears, a teeny-tiny figure can be seen. The small kopii has spiky black hair and is wrapped in a tiny black towel.)

KOPII ERIS: What's going on here?

ELIZABETH: ...her!

ZEL: Eris?!

KOPII ERIS: (glares up at Zel) I don't remember making your chimeric body so bloody tall.

ELIZABETH: (beaming) Oh, that's just because you're really small.

ZEL: ...a kopii Eris...?

KOPII ERIS: I'm a copy?

ELIZABETH: Uh-huh. Kopii Rezo killed the original you.

KOPII ERIS: ...oh. (curses colourfully)

ELIZABETH: It's not that bad. Really.

KOPII ERIS: And why's that?

ELIZABETH: Because you can come have fun with me now!


KOPII ERIS: (again glaring up at Zel) What's with him?

ELIZABETH: Zel-kun doesn't seem to enjoy my company that much.

ZEL: (mutters) That's the understatment of the year.

ELIZABETH: Humph. I just don't understand why he and Lina-chan feel that way.

ZEL: Because you torment us, perhaps?

ELIZABETH: I'm just showing you I like you, you know.

(Zel makes an exasperated sound.)

KOPII ERIS: Perhaps this won't be that bad, after all...

(Elizabeth and Kopii Eris trade wicked grins. Zel drops his head into his hand.)

ELIZABETH: Now, let's see about getting you something to wear other than a towel.

(Elizabeth kneels down places her hand before the kopii, palm up. Kopii Eris climbs upon the offered hand, and Elizabeth moves the kopii to her shoulder. Kopii Eris grabs a handful of Elizabeth's hair as she situates herself into a comfortable sitting position. The Trickster Priestess and her new companion leave. Zel stays behind a moment.)

ZEL: As if things weren't bad enough already...

(He, too, turns and leaves.)


–end...or is that beginning?–
