The Slayers Fanfiction Drinking Game
by Elizabeth, Trickster Priestess

You need:
—a good supply of your favorite beverage
—as many Slayers fanfic stories as you'd like
(you may wish to print it out, as you could easily end up unconcious after playing this game, and you wouldn't want to accidently delete your harddrive when your head hits the keyboard, now would you?)
—this list

Situate yourself someplace nice, preferably some place that won't give you a crick in your neck when (er, if) you fall unconcious. Make sure you have plenty of your beverage nearby. Have this list somewhere accessable. Read it a few times, so you know what's on it. Then, start reading the fanfic. Every time one of the things mentioned happens, take the specified number of drinks. A "drink" means more than a sip but less than a gulp. Some items tell you to chug, which means quickly gulp down your drink.

Note: A "principle" refers to one of the main characters. (Lina, Gourry, Zelgadiss, Amelia, Xelloss, Filia, Martina, et al)

New additions are in red.

This can be played with friends; the winner is the last person to fall unconcious. (Or the first, depending on your perspective.)


Take ONE drink when:


Take TWO drinks when:


Take THREE drinks when:


Take FOUR drinks when:











Take one drink for every story you read.
Take one drink for every typo (chug if there are no typos).
Take one drink for every letter in the author's name.
Take one drink any time a face [^_^, etc.] is used. Take one extra drink for every "'" or ";" used with the face.

After finishing a story:
If you liked the story, drink a bottle to celebrate.
If you disliked the story, drink two bottles to cheer you up.
If you're apathetic, then drink till you care, dammit!

[printable version (black text) | text (*.txt) document ]

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